ISDC Volunteers are flexible, multitask & adapt to overcome challenges, extreme conditions & evolving schedules.
SLED DOG handlers | TRAILS: Mark/Groom/Break/Sweep/SAR | HAM: Net Control/Mobile | Timekeepers | Coordinators | Safety | Logistics & Equip | MED: VET/EMT/PA | Crowd/Parking | Asset Tracking | Set/Cleanup | Admin Host Families | Race Central | MEDIA: Photo/Vid/Crone/Website/Social/Reporting | Food & Bev | Supplies | Donations | EDU Programs | Promo | Fundraising | Sponsorship | Community!
Review job descriptions, volunteer info, estimated schedules & race information online before registering.
ISDC Volunteer Coordinators assess your skill set, availability, and areas of work provided and then recommend jobs based on ISDC needs, locations, conditions & race schedules.
An ISDC Lead will contact you with the best volunteer opportunities as soon as possible. We look forward to another amazing adventure on the trail!